I soooo want to read deathly hallows, but i want to finish books five and six first :| tapos andami ko pang kelangang gawin, like:

astro sigsheet
cineaste stuff

this cineaste stuff would be taking up most of my week, i suppose. haay one week nalang and it would be over. i'm really dreading this week (tension week ba naman tawag eh.) haha. I can do this!! :D

buti nalang tapos na yung stshit. eeek at hindi ko parin nagagawa yung task :(( hoomay. tapos me film prod pa sa film 112 kung pwede pa. sana naman diba.

atsaka hahahaha

hindi ko parin nagagawa yung concept paper
at ito ha: yung gawad plaridel paper :|

wahenk ang delingkwente ko, sobra. sheeez.

pisay movie is loooovelehhh. <3

Posted by chronicwind on July 22, 2007 at 07:47 PM | catch a feather
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