What a weekend!

Lyrids meteor shower with Mommeh at GK Enchanted Farm, Bulacan. Saw and imaged Milky Way! My first Milky Way shot! I am giddy.

Meteorcount: 8, I think?

And! I saw Clarisse! Didn't know she was back at the farm, from France! Whoa. What a serendepitous moment.


Got my full-length skirt from the Alimall shop. Cloth was better than I expected.

Slept some at home. Then went to Kijo's birthday party!

That boy is huge. I missed him so, so much. Celebrated with Aaron and Lolo; it's great to see these people again. After that cuteness overload that is Kijo, and the way good food (I really missed pigeria food! <3), I met up with Mafi to borrow her sablay. Afterwards, I went to Erika's to borrow her ecru dress. Glad to have friends like these. :D

The next day: Went early to Erika's for hair and make-up. Haha this girl's a one-stop shop for every pampaganda thing I need. :)) Then, College Grad! So happy that it was finally happening. CMC has the best speakers - Lourd de Veyra and  Gary Granada. Listening to laugh-a-minute speeches and being serenaded on your graduation  - only in UP Maskom. I forgot to get myself one of Gary Granada's cd though; his gift to us graduates. Bummer. Oh well, I can always download. :D

Ate at Shakey's with family, Lola, Christine and Erika. Nanay's treat. I super love my family. I'm also happy that Christine and Erika made it! Kinda ironic that my best HS friends are the ones who came (wth are my college friends? Hahaha), but I couldn't have had better company. Love them to bits. <3

Univ Grad - Nanay, Kulas, Christine and Erika went with me. I had changed from my Filipinana women's barong and long skirt to a short, tight, ecru-colored dress that shows off my flabs and my butt (which I like. haha). Good thing the sablay covers my flabby parts! Whoever started the sablay tradition, I thank you!

It was so hot and I did not have any umbrella, plus my batchmates didn't come back for the univ grad, so we decided to set up a picnic instead under a tree near the ampitheater. Couldn't have had a more perfect univ grad. :)) Then, before the ceremony's done, we decided to go and take the obligatory oblation shots. Really, how could I leave UP without one? Good thing there were only a few people. Posed in front of the sunflowers as well, but most of them are already in the wilting stage. Sad, but there were a bunch of small sunflowers left - that was good enough for me!

Kuya fetched us at the UPFI; cars are already crowding around the oblation end of the Univ. Grad, since the ceremony has already finished. The walk from Oble to UPFI with heels is excruciating. Oh the things we do for beauty! Anyway, Kuya craved for some milk tea on the drive home, and I obliged by treating them to Moonleaf wmt. It's a perfect cap to the day.

Was still supposed to work when I arrived home, but I fell asleep instead. HAHA. What a happy weekend.






Posted by chronicwind on April 23, 2012 at 06:55 PM | catch a feather
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