I haven't been doing much work this year. I am *not* unemployed, but I am acting as if I am. When I wake up., I open the computer, planning to do some work but one site leads to another and poof, the morning is gone. Then poof, the afternoon is gone. I have been doing less than 3 hours of work per day. Yesterday, I worked for 10 minutes tops. 

The consequence of this is I am poor and I hate this feeling of grepaness but I can't stir myself from my chronic laziness. I need help. I am so distracted and I am having a hard time focusing. 


I have been reading lots of dating websites and askmen subreddits. These are my guilty pleasures; something I don't want to admit even to my closest friend. It's embarassing because I don't practice the advice I read. I just... read them. What's the use, right? I know I should get out more often and fill up that OKC profile and go out on dates, but I always churn out excuses after excuses: I have nothing to wear, I have no money, I would rather curl up and watch Breaking Bad right now... yadda yadda. I need to get out and resist temptations to lazify.  


I really like him. I am afraid of what he'll think of me if/when he finds out what I did a long time ago.

Posted by chronicwind on September 25, 2013 at 05:05 PM | 4 caught a feather
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Comment posted on September 26th, 2013 at 07:54 PM
Nope, not written here, sorry. Something regrettable. Not bad, but regrettable.

thechangedman (guest)

Comment posted on September 26th, 2013 at 08:16 PM
If its not bad then it probably won't affect his perception of you.
Comment posted on September 26th, 2013 at 11:50 PM
It probably won't, but it could. It's like dieting for months, and then indulging on chocolate. Not bad, but kinda wrong. Enjoyable at that moment, but you could do without it, and thus the regret. Anyway, thanks, no use dwelling on it.

thechangedman (guest)

Comment posted on September 25th, 2013 at 08:30 PM
Hmmm, what did you do, a long time ago? Did you write about it here?