Entries for November, 2015

HOY pasko na wala ka pa ring bufra!!!


Posted by chronicwind on November 10, 2015 at 11:45 AM | 1 caught a feather

Note to self: I need pliers. And bike repair know-how. And a set of tools. How I got to two years of bike commuting without these essentials is beyond me.

There was a time that the tube connected to the wheel's inner tube, where you plug in the bike pump got somewhat stuck inside the wheel's frame. I can't pull it out, so my bike pump couldn't work. I fiddled with it for around 30 minutes, finally gave up, and asked a taxi driver for help. He suggested pliers, and so I borrowed one from a nearby cab driver since the current one didn't have any. I pulled out the tube thing, pumped away, and was off again.

Fixing the bike on my own felt great. I was so tempted to just fold my bike and hop into the cab, but I'm grateful he suggested the pliers thing. So reminder: be prepared, but also recognize when to give up and ask for help. 

Posted by chronicwind on November 10, 2015 at 11:38 PM | catch a feather

“You’re not going on your trip for charity, you’re going because you want to. Stop pretending to save the world and just go.”



Posted by chronicwind on November 11, 2015 at 12:13 AM | catch a feather

Hello time, why are you always in a hurry?? Stop, just stop, for a bit, please. 

Posted by chronicwind on November 11, 2015 at 12:49 AM | catch a feather

but also sometimes it's not fast enough like i really need that payday 15th

Posted by chronicwind on November 11, 2015 at 12:50 AM | catch a feather
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